Login 2 Life
Login2Life is a documentary that reviews various uses of Second Life and World of Warcraft from a positive lens and captures the essence of online community and real relationships in cyberspace. As the news across the globe is filled with the negative consequences of gaming and technology, and as the helping professions debate about how the constant connectivity of our culture is breaking down our ability as humans to form real and lasting relationships, Login2Life busily and rather diminutively demonstrates how avatars can offer new life for many…
Excerpted from LOGIN2LIFE: Expanding the Cyberculture POV
Read about the film at the Login 2 Life website and stay tuned for distribution information at Autlook Filmsales.
We have incorporated the film as a viewing assignment and Director interview into our Avatar Therapy Specialist Certificate course!
We thank Daniel Moshel, Director for the opportunity to interview him for the CESL conference and to be able to review the film for our TILT Magazine feature article!
Kudos to John at onlinevents.co.uk for recording the CESL 3VCC interview in Second Life.
Thank you also to Gentle Heron, featured throughout the film, for contributing an article to the same issue of TILT Magazine: Virtual Ability as Virtual Community and for her wonderful work on behalf of Virtual Ability Island.
Article Review in TILT Magazine
Movie Trailer
Interview with Daniel Moshel
CESL 3VCC Login 2 Life – A New Documentary about the Positive Uses of Second Life