I often get asked how to use social media to market a mental health practice. Currently, there are many options to market a practice, and my preferred social media platform is Twitter.
Why Twitter?
Twitter is simple and easy to use. It’s free and can be a powerful community builder. Twitter also does not require a great deal of time to use and can be leveraged throughout the day to connect with others.
Here are 6 ways to use Twitter to market your practice:
1. Complete your profile with a recent picture of yourself, a brief bio about you and your practice. Use the first person to describe yourself. Make sure your account links to your website.
2. Decide on the professional focus of your account. Will you tweet about general mental health or something more specific? The more niched your focus, the better chance to attract your right clients.
3. Do a search on Twitter for the things you are interested in. Type in “depression”, “bipolar”, “online therapy” and see what comes up. Twitter is a powerful search tool. When you see people tweeting things that look interested follow them, so you can receive more of their tweets.
… read the complete story ~ http://issuu.com/onlinetherapyinstitute/docs/tiltiss8?mode=window&pageNumber=68
This article first appeared in the November 2011 issue of TILT Magazine ~ Therapeutic Innovations in Light of Technology.
Click here to read the entire PDF version of the Using Twitter to Market Your Practice article.
Dr. Susan Giurleo is a psychologist who blogs about health care, small business and social media marketing at http://drsusangiurleo.com. You can connect with her on Twitter at @SusanGiurleo